Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Reader Request - Podcasts about the Russian Revolution

Madeleine, who is a sixth former in the UK, is looking for podcasts about the Russian Revolution and revolutionary politics.  Any ideas?

And a great answer from Kevin

We have free video podcasts of history lecturers doing A-level and university-level podcasts on just that subject. Have a look atwww.thehistoryfaculty.com

Forum platform

Having set the forum up using Lefora,  I am now not sure it is going to be the best option.  In particular, it doesn't support polls which I think are really going to be useful.   I will look at some other options.

History of Rome - Aurelian's Walls

Another polished podcast from Mike.  This one covering the short but violent reign of Aurelian.   He only covered the first half of his story which amounts to about two years, so at this pace we have plenty of podcasts to look forward to before he hits the end of the Western Empire.

Join the discussion about this and other history podcasts on the history podcasts forum.

Monday, 29 November 2010

What this blog is about

With so many history podcasts to look at, there will be a lot that won't get past a quick look.  I am going to use this blog to keep track of things so the main Historical Podcasts website doesn't get cluttered up.  It may not make great reading unless you are a real history podcast fanatic and want to listen to absolutely everything.

It will also be a place to keep track of what I am doing to develop the website and the forum.